9th Annual Diversity Summit, Part I Schedule Announcement and Registration Reminder

October 10, 2023

The schedule for Part I of the 9th Annual Diversity Summit, Defining Revolutionary: A Call for Justice, Liberation & Empathy, is now live on the Diversity Summit website. As a reminder, Part I will take place October 25 - 27. 

Please visit the website for information about the sessions and presenters. We are excited to note a few sessions in particular:

  • On October 25, Jeremy C. Young, program director for Freedom to Learn with PEN America, will deliver the keynote address, A Response to Today's Threats Against Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The keynote will be followed by a moderated conversation with Arshad I. Ali, GW associate professor of educational research and director of the education & inequality Ph.D. concentration.

  • On October 26, we will host a conversation with President Ellen Granberg and Vice Provost Caroline Laguerre-Brown on the topic of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at GW: Cultivating Justice, Liberation & Empathy Together.

Other topics include student health and wellness in higher education, the recent SCOTUS decision on race-based admissions, campus safety and policing, food justice and climate change, and the goals for inclusive excellence at GW.

Diversity Summit, Part I Schedule

You can find detailed information about this year’s Diversity Summit theme on the homepage of the website.

As a reminder, please register for Part I of the Diversity Summit by Friday, October 20 at 5:00pm ET.

Register for the Diversity Summit

Please follow us on social media @InclusionatGW for ongoing updates and information, and contact [email protected] with any questions.